
Independent Activity # 1: A healthy community reflects a sense of well-being. It is the foundation for achieving all goals and is essential for a productive society. Thus, it also helps in building our country’s economy and in equipping our students to be healthier in order to learn and succeed academically. This lesson will introduce you to the concepts of a community and environmental health, to make you be aware of the importance of having a healthy community. INDEPENDENT ASSESSMENT #1: VENN DIAGRAM List down different characteristics of your ideal/dream and existing community in the diagram. In the space where the two circles mect, write their similar characteristics. Use

Independent Activity # 1: A healthy community reflects a sense of well-being. It is the foundation for achieving all goals and is essential for a productive society. Thus, it also helps in building our country’s economy and in equipping our students to be healthier in order to learn and succeed academically. This lesson will introduce you to the concepts of a community and environmental health, to make you be aware of the importance of having a healthy community. INDEPENDENT ASSESSMENT #1: VENN DIAGRAM List down different characteristics of your ideal/dream and existing community in the diagram. In the space where the two circles mect, write their similar characteristics. Use

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Independent Activity # 1: A healthy community reflects a sense of well-being. It is the foundation for achieving all goals and is essential for a productive society. Thus, it also helps in building our country’s economy and in equipping our students to be healthier in order to learn and succeed academically. This lesson will introduce you to the concepts of a community and environmental health, to make you be aware of the importance of having a healthy community. INDEPENDENT ASSESSMENT #1: VENN DIAGRAM List down different characteristics of your ideal/dream and existing community in the diagram. In the space where the two circles mect, write their similar characteristics. Use 65047b9c0e40f.webp