
Given a cylinder with a diameter of 23 mm and a volume of 12464.27 mm3, find the area of the vertical cross-section that goes through the center of the bases. A. 172.5 mm3 B. 345 mm3 C. 690 mm3 D. 30 mm3

Accepted Solution

Cylinder Volume = ¼ • π • d² • height

12,464.27 = .25 * PI * 23^2 * height

height = 12,464.27 / .25 * PI * 23^2

height = 12,464.27 / .25 * PI * 529

height = 12,464.27 / 415.4756284373

height = 30 mm

The vertical cross-section would be 23 mm * 30 mm =
690 SQUARE millimeters (NOT cubed as the answer says).
answer is C