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Accepted Solution

Answer:502.4 units³Step-by-step explanation:The volume of a cylinder is known as the area of the circuar base multiplied by the height of the cylinder. In the cylinder shown, we can tell that the radius of the circular base is 4 units and the height of the cylinder is 10 units. Therefore,[tex]\implies\text{Volume of cylinder}: [\pi (4)^{2}] \times [10][/tex][tex]\implies\text{Volume of cylinder}: [\pi (16)] \times [10][/tex]Substituting π as 3.14, we get;[tex]\implies\text{Volume of cylinder}: [(3.14) (16)] \times [10][/tex][tex]\implies\text{Volume of cylinder}: [50.24] \times [10][/tex][tex]\implies\boxed{\text{Volume of cylinder}: 502.4 \ \text{units}^{3}}[/tex]Therefore, the volume of the cylinder is 502.4 units³.