
Kevin calculated the product of 3.2 × 104 and 3.6 × 102 as 11.52 × 106. Which is the next step that Kevin should apply to his solution?

Accepted Solution

Let's rewrite the numbers correctly:
 3.2 × 10 ^ 4
 3.6 × 10 ^ 2
 Now let's do the multiplication step by step:
 Step 1:
 The step Kevin made:
 (3.2 * 3.6) * ((10 ^ 4) * (10 ^ 2))
 11.52 * (10 ^ (4 + 2))
 11.52 * 10 ^ 6
 Step 2:
 Rewrite the expression:
 11.52 * 1000000
 Step 3:
 Roll the comma to the right:
 the next step that Kevin should apply to his solution is: 
 Step 2:
 Rewrite the expression:
 11.52 * 1000000
 Step 3:
 Roll the comma to the right: