
Kylie explained that (negative 4 x + 9) squared will result in a difference of squares because (negative 4 x + 9) squared = (negative 4 x) squared + (9) squared = 16 x squared + 81. Which statement best describes Kylie’s explanation?

Accepted Solution

A perfect square trinomial is the result in algebraic form which is obtained by solving the squared binomial expression. Kylie did not understand that this is a perfect square trinomial and she did not determine the product correctly. Thus the option C is the correct option.Given information-The expression for the given problem is,[tex](-4x+9)^2[/tex]Perfect square trinomialA perfect square trinomial is the result in algebraic form which is obtained by solving the squared binomial expression.The perfect square trinomial can be given as,[tex]ax^2+bx+c[/tex]The given expression can be solved as,[tex](-4x+9)^2=(-4x+9)\times(-4x+9)\\(-4x+9)^2=-4x(-4x+9)+9(-4x+9)\\(-4x+9)^2=16x^2-36x-36x+81\\(-4x+9)^2=16x^2-72x+81[/tex]Hence Kylie did not understand that this is a perfect square trinomial and she did not determine the product correctly. Thus the option C is the correct option.Learn more about the perfect square trinomial here;