
rectangle A measured by 3 inches. Rectangle B is a scaled copy of rectangle A. Select all of the measures pairs that could be the dimensions of rectangle B. A. 4.5 inches by 1.5 B. 8 inches by 2 inches D. 13.5 inches by 4.5 inches E. 90 inches by 30 inches

Accepted Solution

In the given rectangle, rectangle A, the length is 9 inches, and the width is 3 inches.
The length is 3 times the width.

Any rectangle in which the length is 3 times the width is similar to rectangle A.
Take each option and multiply the width by 3. If that is the length they tell you, then that rectangle is similar to rectangle A.

Option A.
1.5 in. * 3 = 4.5 in.
You are given length = 4.5 in.
It is similar.

Option B.
Width = 2 in.
2 in. * 3 = 6 in.
Given length is 8 in.
Not similar.

Option D.
Width = 4.5 in.
3 * 4.5 in. = 13.5 in.
Given length = 13.5 in.

Option E.
Width = 30 in.
3 * 30 in. = 90 in.
Given length = 90 in.