
The tickets to a charity concert will sell out if the price is $15 per ticket. it is estimated that for each $1 increase in ticket's price, 20 tickets will remain unsold. what ticket price will maximize the charity's profit, if there are total 500 seats in the concert hall?

Accepted Solution

Let's define variables: x: number of times the ticket price increases ($ 1). The income is given by: I(x) = (15 + x)(500-20x) We can rewrite this function in the following way: I (x) = - 20x ^ 2 + 200x + 7500 We use the following equation to find the maximum: max = (-b)/(2a) where: a=-20 b=200 c=7500 then, we have: max = (-200)/(2(-20)) max = (200)/(40) max=5 Thus, the ticket price that maximizes the benefit is: 15 + x = 15 + 5 = 20 $ Answer: A ticket price that will maximize the charity's profit, if there are total 500 seats in the concert hall is: $ 20