
Write a real number with ten digits to the right of the decimal point need help with A. And B.

Accepted Solution

Answer:a. [tex]\frac{12}{99}=0.121212...[/tex]b. [tex]\sqrt{2}=1.414....[/tex]Step-by-step explanation:Given.A rational number greater than -10 with a 2 digit repeating pattern.An irrational number between 1 and 2?(a)A rational number is one which can be represented in the form [tex]\frac{p}{q}[/tex] where 'p' and 'q' are integers. A repeating decimal is a rational number as it can be expressed in the form of [tex]\frac{p}{q}[/tex]. Therefore, a number which is repeating decimal with 2 of its digits being repeated is [tex]\frac{12}{99}=0.121212...[/tex]. Here the two digits that are being repeated are 1 and 2.(b)An irrational number is one which can't be expressed in the form [tex]\frac{p}{q}[/tex]. A number which is non-repeating in the interval 1 and 2 is an example of irrational number. So, a number which is irrational in the interval (1, 2) is [tex]\sqrt2=1.414....[/tex].