
It takes Carl 45 minutes to drive to work using two roads. She drives 32 mph on a small road for 1/2 hour. Then she drives 56 mph on a small road for 1/4 hour. How far does she travel for work?

Accepted Solution

Answer:The Total distance she travel fro work is 30 miles  .Step-by-step explanation:Given as :the total time taken to cover distance = 45 minutesLet The total distance cover = D milesThe distance cover at the speed of 32 mph = [tex]D_1[/tex] milesThe time taken to cover [tex]D_1[/tex] miles distance = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] hourDistance = Speed × Time∴  [tex]D_1[/tex] = 32 mph  ×  [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] hor, [tex]D_1[/tex] = 16 milesAgain , The distance cover at the speed of 56 mph = [tex]D_2[/tex] milesThe time taken to cover [tex]D_2[/tex] miles distance =  [tex]\frac{1}{4}[/tex] hour∴  [tex]D_2[/tex] = 56 mph  ×  [tex]\frac{1}{4}[/tex] hor, [tex]D_2[/tex] = 14 milesSo , The total distance she travel for work =  [tex]D_1[/tex]  +  [tex]D_2[/tex] Or, The total distance she travel for work = 16 miles + 14 miles = 30 miles Hence The Total distance she travel fro work is 30 miles  . Answer