
hey how to do this and what the answer​

Accepted Solution

Answer:5x + y - 4 = 0Step-by-step explanation:When we are given two points and are asked to find the equation of the line we use the two - point form.Two - point form: [tex]$ \frac{y - y_1}{y_2 - y_1} = \frac{x - x_1}{x_2 - x_1} $[/tex].where: [tex]$ (x_1,y_1) $[/tex] and [tex]$ (x_2,y_2) $[/tex] are the two points on the line.Given the two points are: (5,21) and (-5,-29).Substituting in the two point form:⇒  [tex]$ \frac{y - 21}{-29 - 21} = \frac{x - 5}{-5 -5} $[/tex][tex]$ \implies \frac{y - 21}{-50} = \frac{x - 5}{-10} $[/tex][tex]$ \implies y - 21 = 5x - 25 $[/tex]⇒                              5x + y - 4 = 0