
Please help! Quick!Problem:On a trip to the lake, Kerrie and Shelly rode their bicycles four more than three times as many miles in the afternoon as they rode in the morning. If the entire trip is 112 miles, how far did they ride in the morning and how far in the afternoon?Please SHOW ALL OF YOUR WORK!

Accepted Solution

Answer:The answer is 27 miles in the morning and 85 miles in the afternoon.Step-by-step explanation:So first you have to set up an equation. X represents: the number of miles they rode in the morning.   3X + 4 represents: 4 more than 3 times this many in the afternoon 3X+4 + X = 112 represents: adding the morning miles and the afternoon miles together to get the total trip of 112 miles Your equation to solve  3X+4+X =112 Now you can solve the equation 3X+4+X =112 Combine like terms (x's) 3X + X = 4X 4X+4=112 Subtract 4 from each side: 4X+ 4 - 4= 112-4 4-4 = 0 and 112-4 = 108 4X = 108 Divide both sides by 4 4X/4 = 108/4 4/4 = 1X and 104/4 = 27 X = 27 Remember X represents the number of miles they rode in the morning, so they rode 27 miles in the morning.  Remember 3X+4 represents the number of miles they rode in the afternoon. 3X+4 =  3(27)+4 =  81+4 =  85 miles. That means in the afternoon, they rode 85 Miles